Loadiine Games

  1. Loadiine Games To Wup
  2. Loadiine Games

Loadiine is a WiiU backup loader.It can load extracted game format from SD Card.

  1. Loadiine 4.0 and Loadiine GX2 use the game's cos.xml and app.xml to get the correct place to store the game in memory. The xml files can be extracted from a WUD (WiiU ISO) or from eShop updates. If you don't have the xml files in your wiiu/games/game name/code/ folder, loadiine will use commonly used values, but not all games.
  2. Loadiine is a WiiU homebrew. It launches WiiU game backups from SD card.Its Graphical User Interface is based on the WiiU GX2 graphics engine.It’s currently offline mode only, it doesn’t allow you to play games online.Loadiine is region free, allowing you to play games from another region, but sometime it might require your intervention to edit some files.

Chromium says loadiinegx2d46e455.zip is a dangerous file. Edit: Anyone know of a good tutorial to get these to play on my Wii U? Edit: Well I'm going to give a shot at modding my Wii U with the help of.

  • 3Usage
  • 5Changelog

WiiU Version

Loadiine v4.0 works on WiiU version 5.3.2.

There are modded loadiine v3.0 and v4.0 which support 4.1, 5.0 and 5.1, see at the bottom of the page to get these versions.

Loadiine gx2 compatibility list

Loadiine does NOT work yet on WiiU 5.4 or 5.5.x

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Compatibility List



Loadiine does not need an installation on SD card. You need to use a browser exploit to launch it.

Loadiine games installer

Launching loadiine is done in two steps :

  • 1. Launching the Kernel exploit for loadiine.
  • 2. Launching loadiine.

The Kernel exploit and Loadiine can be found on public servers, for example:

  • http://exploit.wiiubrew.net/ provided by EclipseSin. Contains: Loadiine v1.0 to v4.0, including many other modded versions and homebrew.
  • http://maschell.de/loadiine_maschell/ provided by Maschell.
  • http://wj44.bplaced.com/ provided by wj44. Contains: Loadiine 4.0 (Dimok), Loadiine 4.1 (MLT), additional tools and some early homebrew games
  • http://wiiu.rapidraid.de/ provided by RapidRaid. Contains: Loadiine v3.0 and v4.0
  • http://spiffyhacks.com/wiiu/ provided by Deakphreak. Contains: Loadiine v3.0 and v4.0
Loadiine games download

If you want to host loadiine on your own local server, or to get more informations how to use Loadiine, you can refer to the release thread.




To load another game

Game folder structure

The games are located on FAT32 SD card, in extracted file system format (not in .wud or .wux file format).

In the created game folder, copy the code, content and meta folders.Example:

The savegames will be created automatically by Loadiine in sd:wiiusaves folder.

Related tools

To dump the content folder, you can use TCPGecko or a modified version of Saviine. Qualcomm qdloader usb drivers for windows 64 bit.

To dump the rpx and rpl files from the code folder, you can use Dumpiine.

To get the game's values needed for app.xml and cos.xml, you can use Loadiine XML Dumper.



  • Supports XML value parsing to fix lot of incompatible games (app.xml, cos.xml)
  • Uses some default XML values if xml files are missing
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  • Adds supports to boot games with MiiMaker (app)
  • No more RPX/RPL file size limit (65.7MB per file should be enough for all games)
  • sort of game list by name (case insensitive)
  • Adds Y button to mount game without autobooting, and exit to system menu. game can then be launched manually from any compatible title (SSBU, Miimaker, etc.)


  • New folder structure
  • Speed load time X10
  • maximum RPX+RPL size is now 25.47MB
  • Adds Autoboot to disc.


  • Works with SSBU (disc) or SSBU (eshop) only.
  • Game executable RPX+RPL combined size can't be bigger than SSBU RPL+RPX combined size (22MB)
  • game's RPX can't be bigger than 4MB

Modded versions

  • v3.0 mod, by Maschell. Uses a different save path per profile.
  • v3.0 mod, by Ptitleray. Version compatible with WiiU 4.1 and WiiU 5.0.0
  • v4.0 mod, by NotKit. Version compatible with WiiU 5.0.0 and WiiU 5.1.0
  • v4.1, by MLT. Mod of v4.0. Add supports to boot games with Art Atelier (disc) and KaraokeU (eshop)

Note: This new booting method are not using autoboot. A is still auto-booting the inserted disc (SSBU or Art atelier), and X is still auto-booting MiiMaker. If you want to use KaraokeU you need to mount the game with Y to exit to the WiiU menu and then launch KaraokeU (or miimaker, or disc).

  • v4.0 flow, by Kasai07. Add cover display on the gamepad. cover need to be 160x225 icone.tga placed in main game's folder (alongside the content, meta, and code folder)
  • v4.0 + Pygecko, by Onion Knight. Fix and add pygecko auto-launching to Loadiine 4.0

Getting Started on Wii U's Hacking Scene! :3

So therefore you are now the proud owner of a Wii U console and you want to get in touch with the fabulous world of hacks and homebrews? It was about time I must say! But no worry though, the internet is not fullfiled of only memes and plenty of nice guys have already written the greatest guides for you to begin with :3

What are the prerequesites to benefit from hacks?

Actually the only thing you need to have for integrating the magnificient world of hacking is a Wii U with a firmware version between 3.0.0 & 5.5.1 and a good SD card (Class 10 recommended).
Please notice however that due to technical reasons, this gate will only support firmwares between 5.3.2 & 5.5.1 . Yup, buuuuuhh >_<
To know what firmware version your Wii U is running, go into your Settings menu and take a look at the top right corner spot of your Gamepad.

Where should I begin?

While some of us are diven into the hacking scene since a good moment, newcomes are currently welcomed along with the flow of evolutions that our lovely developpers brings to us.
What might looks logical and simple for one won't be that simple to handle for someone else. That's why from here, you'll put your hands right into the machinery to understand how it works :3
Follow the guide below until your learn the basic rules of hacking, then make your way to our 'Tutorials' to benefit of more advanced guides ^^

What should I know before doing something on my Wii U?

Lexicon & Commandments!
The safiest thing to begin with is to understand the usual acronyms meanings and what your Wii U can/can't do. Once you memorize what I personnaly call 'The commandments', then you're good to go xD.Please note that most of current hackings methods won't risk to brick your Wii U. Beside some exceptions, all of the hacks are temporary printed into your console's memory and vanish after a good reboot. *You Now Feel Relieved! O//*
  • First Commandment : If I run an exploitable firmware, I won't accept any update until a god developper tell me otherwise. For that, I use safe DNS on my console (See Step 2 below)
  • Second Commandment : If I choose to use cheat on my game(s), I understand that my fate is under mighty ninty's hands and might get banned forever.
  • Third Commandment : If I choose to download Wii U games that I don't own, I won't ask anyone for links and will be a good detective to find them by myself.
  • Fourth Commandment : If I make use of Loadiine (Backup Launcher) to play games, I accept that my life will be cloistered in a local environment without online play. Like the good old LANs when I still had friends. *Sigh*
  • Fifth Commandment : If I install games on my Nand/USB, I take consiousness of the perilous risk of ending with a bricked Wii U within my hands if I do something REALLY wrong.
A bit of Lexicon to not sink on your hacking journey :
- Kernel : It is the core of your Wii U, it manage programs rights and the overall behaviour of your system. This is what interest us the most currently.
- Kernel Exploit : It is the exploit code (Commonly by using ROP chain) that take advantage of a breach in the system to gain control of a part of the kernel. All the hacks use this method on different levels to run themselves.
Wii- IOSU : This is the apotheosis of the hacking world! It will gain full control of your Wii U by installing a permanent & permissive custom system. Looks like it is about to become true :D
- Backup Game : When you dump your own games copies (DVD/eShop) to put them into Loadiine. This will remove the need of the original support to be run.
Only a few maneuvers differs between firmware versions. What you will see below will match most of them adequatly. In case of different action, you'll be notified right away.

1 ) Prepare your SD Card for Wii U hacking

Loadiine Games To Wup

2 ) Setting DNS servers on my connection

3 ) Running Homebrew Launcher (Or Kernel Exploit) via the Internet Browser [Online method]

4 ) Backup my games to play through Loadiine GX2 (Using DDD v0.3)

Congratulations, you are not a rookie anymore! O//! If you wanna go further in the hacking world about moddings, cheating, creating and such : You can now access our 'Tutorials' section and enter a more advanced level :3.

Loadiine Games