Fawcett Wood Furnace

  1. Fawcett Wood Furnace Parts
  2. Fawcett Wood Furnace Manual
  3. Fawcett Wood Fired Warm Air Furnace
I bought a home with a combination electric/wood burning forced air furnace in the two story section of the home and another electric only forced air furnace in the rancher section. The combo unit is a Fawcett - Duo-Matic/Olsen unit. It seems well maintained with a new SS liner in a masonry chimney. The original owner had added a hot air duct between the combo unit and the second forced air electric furnace. It is not very efficient as it runs through an unheated space before getting to the furnace. A couple of questions on this set-up. Is anyone using a similar arrangement? Ha anyone tried to install a couple of heat exchangers similar to those used in outdoor wood burners connected by small diameter glycol filled tubes to transfer heat from the wood burner to the electric forced air furnace? Any other comments on this arrangement will be appreciated.

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Fawcett Wood Furnace Parts

Fawcett wood fired warm air furnace

Cash register express pro. Enterprise Foundry, begun in 1872 by the Dominion Foundry Company, is an industrial site located close to the railway station and the former Sackville wharf. After a devastating fire in 1908, the plant was rebuilt with splendid new brick buildings, and the most up-to-date machinery.

In 1888, the company was sold to W. Shives Fisher and R.B. Emerson,and became known as the Enterprise Foundry Company. In 1905, the oldest son Fred A. Fisher became superintendent of the plant, while the other sons D.S. Fisher and C.M.P. Fisher joined the company in 1911 and 1912. They returned after the First World War to work well into the 1970s along with members of the third generation of the Fisher family. By 1962, Enterprise Foundry was considered to be the largest privately owned and second largest Canadian owned Stove Company in Canada. In 1984, the assets of Enterprise Foundry and Enamel and Heating Products Limited (formerly Fawcett Foundry) were combined and became Enterprise Fawcett, still in business today.

I have a Bengal Stove Style #M2203 serial # XXXXX I have been trying to find out any info on this stove. I think it was a wood or coal burning stove that my Grandfather had converted to. ©2020 WoodmansPartsPlus.com. All rights reserved. Company profile, information and contact info for Enterprise Fawcett - 73 Lorne St, Sackville, NB from ProFile Canada, Canada's most trusted Business Database for lists and data. Check out top challenges of Canadian businesses. Baffle for Napoleon 1400, 1400PL, 1450, 1400C Woodstoves, 1401, 1402 Wood Inserts (set of 2) Our Price: $120.00 3 pc Premium Herringbone Fire-Tek™ Firebrick for Whitfield® Advantage Plus. Cast Iron Wood Stove. Vintage Gas Stove. Wood Burning Cook Stove. Pot Belly Stove. Wood Cook Stove. Cast Iron Stove. Antique Wood Stove. Antique Gas Stove. Wedgewood Stove. Antique Gas Heater.

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Fawcett Wood Furnace Manual

Any Enterprise Foundry piece I’ve seen has a stamp like this with 4 numbers molded into the parts – hollow ware and stoves included.

Fawcett Wood Fired Warm Air Furnace

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